How to make Deposit/Withdrawal (PAMM investor)

Before deposit money to your PAMM investor’s account make sure that you have money on your payment account.

You can deposit/withdraw (DW) money to your investor’s account from/to your payment account.

Step 1: Make a DW request

  1. Go to the tab My accounts.

  2. Choose the account from the dropdown list if you have several of them.

  3. Choose the tab Deposit or Withdraw depending on what do you want to do.

  4. Add the sum of money you want to deposit / withdraw.

  5. Click Deposit/Withdraw.

Step 2: Check the status of your DW request

To track the status of your DW-request, go to the tab “Deposit/Withdrawal requests”:

  1. Requests in process will be in the upper field Pending requests.

  2. As soon as transaction will be completed, it will go to the lower field Archived requests with the status Success.

Last updated