How to Deposit

How to deposit crypto to you XBTFX wallet

Step 1 : Log into

Step 2 : On the Dashboard Click the deposit button :

Step 3 : USDT deposit is displayed by default . If you wish to deposit USDT, select the USDT network you are using( ETH, BSC or TRON ) then proceed . If you wish to deposit with another coin such as BTC, select BTC from the top menu under "Select Currency" shown at the first arrow of the next image:

Step 4 : Press Proceed, the QR code will show on the next page.

Step 5 : Copy the cryptocurrency address or scan the QR code and make a deposit using any crypto wallet or directly from another exchange. We accept BTC, ETH, XRP, DAI, USDT(via ERC20, BEP20 or TRC20) and many others.

Send your crypto to the QR code displayed . When your transaction is confirmed by the blockchain, you will be notified by email that funds have been added to your XBTFX wallet.

After you have deposited to your wallet, you must move the funds from the wallet into your MetaTrader 5 Trading account for live trading.


Last updated